Exam results

Monday 16 December, 2013

***For immediate release ***


Students who completed the VCE in 2013 have received their examination marks today.

Whilst many will be delighted and excited by their results, there will inevitably be many who have not received the marks they’d hoped for or expected to receive and will be disappointed.

Social researcher and founder of LeavingSchool.com.au, Jeff Gilling said: “Unfortunately, many of the generation of students leaving school today have been taught that it is possible to have reward without effort. This is the generation who when they played pass the parcel, there was a prize under every layer. It’s the generation who have grown up playing Saturday morning sport where the prize for ‘Best on Field’ was rotated around the team each week. By and large it is a generation who has not experienced all of the vicissitudes – the ups and downs of life – and have not learned resilience. So, for many these results could be the first major disappointment they will have faced.”

Mr Gilling added: “It is important that students understand that the VCE is not the be all and end all of life. Although they may be disappointed with their results it’s important they not be discouraged, because life actually does have a way of working itself out.”

The Victorian Minister for Education, Martin Dixon agrees.

“It’s really important that you go and talk to your teachers and talk to your schools about what are the other options. There are many ways to get to where you want in terms of work and in terms of study. Don’t be disappointed. There are many pathways to get to where you want.” Mr Dixon said.



GILLING www.gilling.com.au is a strategic research, media and communications consultancy. Founded in 2003, Gilling has worked with many of Australia’s most recognisable brands. Its Principal, Social Researcher Jeff Gilling is regularly called upon by media to comment on the demographic and social trends that are shaping our changing world.


LEAVINGSCHOOL.COM.AU www.LeavingSchool.com.au website and eMagazine was founded in 2013 to provide resources for parents, teachers and students to best assist students make the transition from life at school to life after school. The first issue is available here: www.issuu.com/LeavingSchool




Jeff Gilling, LeavingSchool.com.au                                               Mobile: 0432 011 600

                                                                                                         Email:    jeff@leavingschool.com.au